
The Principles of Meaningful Design

The Principles of Meaningful Design

Abraham Maslow identified and arranged people’s needs and desires into a pyramid known as the hierarchy of needs. Using this triptych, we can create a model, “The Principles of Meaningful Design,” that helps us translate people’s needs and desires into design solutions.



The Fundamental Principles

1. Human: valuable, emotional and symbolic
2. Innovative: new, unique, and extraordinary.


The Clarifying Principles

1. Relative: it depends entirely on the consumer; it is not absolute, although it is absolutely relative.
2. Poetic and expressive: the designer’s perspective and aesthetic tense are paramount.
Worth telling: it’s a story to be shared.


The Enabling Principles

1. Aesthetically sustainable: multi-sensory pleasant, beautiful and harmonious.
2. Functionally sustainable: practical, efficient, useful and ergonomic.
3. Emotionally sustainable: attractive and stimulating.
4. Intellectually sustainable: accessible, intuitive and easy to use.
5. Socially sustainable: ethical, honest and reliable.
6. Environmentally sustainable: eco-friendly.
7. Financially sustainable: it generates business value and is affordable for the target user.

“The Principles of Meaningful Design remind us that we must design valuable, emotional, and symbolic solutions to address people’s needs.”


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